Friday, November 23, 2007



Bloggerwave is another service you could use if you have decided to pursue a career as a serious blogger. As with most “get paid” to blog schemes this one has the same advantages of ensuring that the blogger gets complete control over what he wants to blog on. It allows you to use up to 5 blogs to post information on products that you are eligible to blog about.

Unlike with other ad services which just stream a consistent stream of ads that, in most cases, aren’t related in any way to your blog this one allows you to keep a tight watch over what gets in.

While there are a number of services like bloggerwave in the market currently its difficult to judge which ones are the best to pick up. I will in a couple of months have a pretty good idea of which ones to choose, once i do you can be sure i will be putting the information down in the form of a post.

If you have decided to choose a service like this one to generate some revenue do keep in mind that you need to choose your ads very carefully so as not to push away your reader population.

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